
Activated Carbon Can be Used for CH4 Storage and Transportation


Activated Carbon Can be Used for CH4 Storage and Transportation


Stored natural gas plays a vital role in ensuring that any excess supply delivered during the summer months is available to meet the increased demand of the winter months. However, with the recent trend towards natural gas fired electric generation, demand for natural gas during the summer months is now increasing (due to the demand for electricity to power air conditioners and the like). At the time, the natural gas industry noted that seasonal demand increases could not feasibly be met by pipeline delivery alone. Natural gas in storage also serves as insurance against any unforeseen accidents, political conflicts, natural disasters, or other occurrences that may affect the production or delivery of natural gas. In order to be able to meet seasonal demand increases, underground storage fields were the only option. Before the storage process, transportation takes places an important role. Scientists developed an option for gas storage and economical method for transportation of natural gas by the help of active carbon’s adsorption property. Via the high adsorption rate and capacity of activated carbon, the higher mole of methane, can be possible to store at low pressures by comparison with conventional methods.


Adsorption is the process by which molecules of a substance, such as a gas or a liquid, collect on the surface of another substance, such as a solid. The molecules are attracted to the surface but do not enter the solid's minute spaces as in absorption.


Activated carbon is a form of carbon processed to be riddled with small, low-volume pores that increase the surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions. Activated carbon is a carbonaceous adsorbent with a high internal porosity, and hence a large internal surface area. Commercial activated carbon grades have an internal surface area of 500 up to 1500 m2/g. People studied the feasibility of storing CH4 in an abandoned coal mine and transportation of CH4 by tankers in adsorbed state using activated carbon as medium. It can be concluded that active carbon can be used for safe storage and transportation of methane as an alternative to conventional methods.


Now, we need to use good performance active carbons that help people to transport as much CH4 as possible in one time. Problem is how to know that very active carbon is suitable for us. Under this situation, we need one instrument to help us, to analysis that active carbon adsorption performance, and that instrument is HIGH PRESSURE GAS SORPTION ANALYZER.


We, Gold APP Instruments, had researched and produced high pressure gas sorption analyzer H-Sorb 2600 series by static volumetric principle. Capable of testing nanomaterials adsorption and desorption performance, PCT (pressure composition temperature) or PCI (pressure composition isotherm) curves. H-Sorb 2600 series with 2 analysis ports and 2 degassing ports, fully automated operation, supports night operation without operators watch, longest supporting test time can be last as long as half month (can be upgrade), all-featured data reports can help researchers to get all analysis details they want.


Gold APP Instruments China is a professional manufacturer for analytical and research instruments, such as BET surface area analyzers, surface area and porosity analyzers, helium true density analyzers, high pressure gas sorption analyzers and so on, to determine nanomaterials specific surface area, pore size, pore volume, pore size distribution, true density, open and closed spaces, adsorption/desorption isotherms, pressure-composition-isotherm, pressure-composition-temperature curve and so on.


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