
Capilliary condensation introduction and relation with pore size distribution--Gold APP Instruments

Capillary condensation is the "process by which multilayer adsorption from the vapor [phase] into a porous medium proceeds to the point at which pore spaces become filled with condensed liquid from the vapor [phase]." The unique aspect of capillary condensation is that vapor condensation occurs below the saturation vapor pressure, Psat, of the pure liquid. This result is due to an increased number of van der Waals interactions between vapor phase molecules inside the confined space of a capillary. Once condensation has occurred, a meniscus immediately forms at the liquid-vapor interface which allows for equilibrium below the saturation vapor pressure. Meniscus formation is dependent on the surface tension of the liquid and the shape of the capillary, as shown by the Young-Laplace equation. As with any liquid-vapor interface involving a menisci, the Kelvin equation provides a relation for the difference between the equilibrium vapor pressure and the saturation vapor pressure. A capillary does not necessarily have to be a tubular, closed shape, but can be any confined space with respect to its surroundings.

Capillary condensation is an important factor in both naturally occurring and synthetic porous structures. In these structures, scientists use the concept of capillary condensation to determine pore size distribution and surface area though adsorption isotherms. Synthetic applications such as sinterin of materials are also highly dependent on bridging effects resulting from capillary condensation. In contrast to the advantages of capillary condensation, it can also cause many problems in materials science applications such as Atomic Force Microscopy and Microelectromechanical Systems. See below figure 1.
Figure 1: An example of a porous structure exhibiting capillary condensation.

Pores that are not of the same size will fill at different values of pressure, with the smaller ones filling first. This difference in filling rate can be a beneficial application of capillary condensation. Many materials have different pore sizes with ceramics being one of the most commonly encountered. In materials with different pore sizes, curves can be constructed similar to Figure 2. A detailed analysis of the shape of these isotherms is done using the Kelvin equation. This enables the pore size distribution to be determined. While this is a relatively simple method of analyzing the isotherms, a more in depth analysis of the isotherms is done using the BET method. Another method of determining the pore size distribution is by using a procedure known as Mercury Injection Porosimetry. This uses the volume of mercury taken up by the solid as the pressure increases to create the same isotherms mentioned above. An application where pore size is beneficial is in regards to oil recovery. When recovering oil from tiny pores, it is useful to inject gas and water into the pore. The gas will then occupy the space where the oil once was, mobilizing the oil, and then the water will displace some of the oil forcing it to leave the pore.

Figure 2: Capillary condensation profile showing a sudden increase in adsorbed volume due to a uniform capillary radius (dashed path) among a distribution of pores and that of a normal distribution of capillary radii (solid path)